EN Communications is a trusted resource across the utility footprint when performing audits, reviewing applications, conducting ISP/OSP engineering, and developing fiber network projects from end-to-end. Our experienced team gathers and documents all essential data to ensure clients capitalize on their entire revenue stream, provide information for pole-loading analysis, and make-ready functions. Our depth of experience prepares us for all data requests and allows for the customization of product output to the specified requirements.
Fiber distribution networks have brought about numerous benefits to customers, including increased reliability and reductions in major outages and outage durations; environmental quality improvements that protect our natural resources; and cost management innovations that serve to keep energy prices affordable.
Utility Grade Broadband® embraces the role fiber plays in financial sustainability and quality of life by incorporating architectural economies of scale into the design of these networks that enhance:
With advanced modeling tools that provide the most-accurate cost studies and
feasibility results, EN Communications will provide a detailed analysis of how
your utility can realize a fiber-to-the-premise network with a financial forecast and more to determine project viability
Our experienced grant writers will help you navigate the waters of grant response, including gathering the necessary documentation, drafting an application, and keeping you abreast of all due dates and open applications. Our
experts have applied for and secured over $600 million dollars in grant funding
for our clients.
We target, design and apply for grants based on programs that fit your needs and
capabilities. EN Communications builds customized grant strategies from a range of federal, regional, and state programs. We’ve built our team with staff that led funding programs at the Federal Communications Commission, Rural Utilities Service, and Economic Development Administration.
EN Communication’s pole audits allow pole owners to identify tenants attached to their poles and ensure they comply with joint-use agreements. Our comprehensive reports provide valuable information for pole owners’ and tenants’ asset tracking needs
EN Communications engineers provide the leadership, planning, and support that give utilities and their telecommunication partners assurance assets are managed for safety, compliance, and optimal performance. With a nationwide presence structured around regional offices, our dedicated program management teams align clients’ needs with national, state, and local statutes. Our engineers are there when you need them, including remote communications technologies, to troubleshoot and deliver solutions in every circumstance.
EN Communications project managers have extensive telecom industry knowledge and experience. Regardless of your project’s size and scope, we can oversee and manage from inception to completion.
We can support your easement acquisition project management teams with
expertise in assessing as-built infrastructure from various utilities, such as local municipal utilities, rural electric cooperatives, gas, wind, and solar. ENTRUST supports clients with managing survey teams, organizing projects, and reviewing local, state, and national requirements. Additionally, the EN Communications team can research and analyzes plats, property deeds, and utility infrastructure in order to provide our clients with solid results.
From fiber-optic cable plant designs for urban, rural, and previously deemed “off-grid” service areas, EN Communications engineers can set a project up for success. We deliver designs for SCADA, Smart Grid, and other electric utility services across a fiber-based communications network. With our fiber-optic design, you will have a foundation of accuracy combined with flexibility, being easily and economically accommodative to change orders and redlines.
Network and turn up for all projects
■ Design and deployment of data, voice, and internet solutions for member and business services
■ Quality assurance design and implementation
■ PON On Primary design approach using GPON architecture to combine gigabit speeds and the benefits of economies of scale
■ Development of redundancy mechanisms for network reliability and availability
EN Communications has a highly skilled team dedicated to make-ready engineering. We are well-versed in NESC and local PUC requirements and adept at handling the dynamic changes around specific pole owner requirements. Our flexibility yields faster submittal times and cost reductions for our clients.
EN Communications’ broad expertise in ISP and OSP engineering projects ensures that your telecom project benefits from solutions developed in full compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. From underground verification and as-built documentation to aerial planning and construction project management, telecom companies can count on our team to get the job done in a timely manner. Our national network of relationships with power and grid-related utilities and municipalities provides intelligence helps with the approval across the spectrum of ISP/OSP objectives – including performing feasibility studies, producing engineering drawings for construction and permits, and consulting on
Our experts can simplify and unify your organizational data and operations. We keep the entire organization in mind, from CEO to CSR, so your employees can work with greater efficiency and accuracy in an environment of simplicity, visibility, and self-care.
■ Supporting smart metering and grid management with unsurpassed speed and reliability
■ Simplifying the turnup, redundancy, maintenance, and comprehensive real-time data for your entire operations through PON technology.
■ Employing automation and network discovery techniques to reduce the hands-on time and attention needed to achieve desired outcomes.
■ Interfacing multiple business systems in an API-driven, vendor-gnostic manner.
■ Utilizing integrated Software-Defined Redundant Passive Optical network (SD RPON) to offer a diverse path architecture in GPON networks that improve the reliability and availability of your fiber network tenfold — achieving the greatest economies of scale possible with this technology by automatically switching based on configurable thresholds and events.
EN Communications provides professional engineering reviewed and sealed documents for all telecom services as required by local, state, and federal ordinances.
In addition, we understand the importance of keeping your asset tracking systems up to date. Our highly skilled team can convert red-line data provided by your construction team or field data collected by our field crews and turn it into as-built information in many different platforms, including Bentley’s MicroStation, Autodesk’s AutoCAD, ESRI, 3QIS, QGIS, and more.
For more information watch the video [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTVDIqFXvmE[/embed]
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