ENTRUST Team Feature

ENTRUST Team Feature

Bernardo Cuervo, Pipeline Integrity Consultant at ENTRUST Solutions Group, and Mark
McQueen, Asset Integrity & Risk Manager at ENTRUST Solutions Group, published “The Third
Edition of API Standard 1163, In-line Inspection Systems Qualification: Are You Doing
Enough?” in November/December 2022 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

Cuervo and McQueen identified that nearly one-third of pipeline spill incidents had at least
one in-line inspection (ILI) that collected data at the point of the accident, ultimately
questioning the effectiveness of ILI and what we should do with the results.

Events such as the rupture and release in Marshall, Michigan, on July 25, 2010, and in Santa
Barbara, California on May 19, 2015, involved inconsistencies in the data reported by the ILI
vendor and did not meet the published accuracy of the ILI tools, proving a continued need for
innovation to verify and validate the quality of ILI data at all stages.

While ILI data quality and accuracy clearly show substantial advancements in recent years,
there are still opportunities for improvement.

Because of this information, Cuervo and McQueen concluded that there is no “best” ILI tool;
there is, however, a most effective ILI tool for the particular pipeline operating conditions and
the goal and objective of the ILI.

The article takes an in-depth look at the third edition of API Std 1163’s verification and
validation processes to help improve your in-line inspections.

It may be ideal to think that the ILI operators and analysts are very good, but the authors
conclude that following the requirements and recommendations of the third edition of API
Std 1163 will improve the effectiveness of ILI and what we do with its results.

Click below to learn more about the third edition of API Std 1163 and how to improve your
in-line inspections.

API STD 1163 ILI Systems Qualification: Are You Doing Enough? (inspectioneering.com)

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