
Veolia N.A. Converter Replacement


Veolia N.A. Converter Replacement


Wurtland, Kentucky


The Veolia N.A. facility located in Wurtland, Kentucky, uses a four-stage converter constructed of carbon steel. The converter is one of the primary components in the process of generating sulfuric acid and contains four catalyst beds.


The existing converter was approaching the end of its useful life. One of the primary process functions of the converter is to allow the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide. This is achieved by exposing the sulfur dioxide to the catalyst in the presence of oxygen. 

Providing cooling during the conversion process improves efficiency. At the Wurtland facility, cooling is achieved through two different methods of heat transfer: waste heat from the waste heat boiler streams is diverted into the converter to provide the necessary cooling for the upper catalyst beds; and 450 PSIG saturated steam, also provided by the waste heat boilers, is utilized as the cooling media for the lower catalyst beds resulting in superheated steam.

This converter needed to be replaced safely, in a timely and cost-effective manner, with as little disruption to daily operations as possible.


Veolia engaged ENTRUST Solutions Group to provide a defined level (FEL3 Study) cost estimate for the design, procurement, and construction for this project. Upon award of this project to ENTRUST, our team was assembled and quickly began preparations, the foundation for every successful project.

The primary components of the project scope included demolition of the existing converter, installation of a new stainless-steel converter, structural and foundation modifications required to accommodate the new converter installation, piping and duct modifications, and electrical and instrumentation components of the new converter.

Key Results:

  • Maintained safety record during installation
  • Utilized existing drawings, equipment and site information, and Google Earth imagery to visualize parameters as needed in preparation for the commencement of the project
  • Successfully installed new, stainless-steel converter, ducts, and piping on time, within budget, and without any project delays

“This project involved many different components. We needed to ensure that it was completed safely and in an efficient manner while making sure we did not disrupt ongoing operations. The project was delivered on time and within budget. Veolia appreciated our team’s efforts and expertise.” -David Gibson, ENTRUST Project Manager

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