
Pipeline Terminal Expansion


Expand an existing system to increase capacity and meet new demand requirements




ENTRUST Solutions Group provided the initial FEED study for a major crude oil pipeline client, followed by the detailed engineering design and construction support for the extension of a 350-mile pipeline system that included modifications and expansion of existing terminals, pump stations and meter stations, and the addition of grassroots terminals and pump stations.


The expansion project required both upgrading older, existing infrastructure and grassroots facilities to meet the new flow rate and design conditions. All of the work had to be completed without impacting current operations, while moving substantially higher volumes through an existing pipeline system under the limitations of the operating pressures.


The project included engineering design, construction support, and procurement for the following facilities:

  • Grassroots terminal including one 150 kbl and one 250 kbl tank, six truck unloading ACT units and manifold system, and interconnection to an existing origin pump station and electrical controls.
  • Expansion of existing terminal with a new grassroots mainline pump station with two 5,500 hp VFD pumping units, DRA skid, surge protection, six truck unloading ACT units, one 150 kbl storage tank, 700 hp vertical can booster pump, custody transfer metering, new substation, and new electrical and control building.
  • Terminal expansion with new grassroots pump station with two 5,000 hp VFD pumping units, DRA skid, surge protection, new connection to central manifold connecting to the existing 16 tanks, 700 hp vertical can booster pump, repair of tank lines, custody transfer metering, new substation, and new power and control building.
  • Replacement of one mainline pump station with two 4,000 hp VFD pumping units associated piping, surge protection and facilities, DRA skid, electrical control building, and new substation.
  • Hydraulic modeling for the design modification of existing facilities and required grassroot facilities with the utilization of DRA to optimize the number of new pump stations.
  • Surge analysis to determine protection requirements for the pipeline, terminals and meter stations for the new flow conditions, and design of the new safety devices to protect the pipeline assets. The protection devices included relief valves in terminals, piping to operational tankage, and addition of relief valves and surge tanks at the meter stations.

The challenging expansion project, completed on time, increased capacity and met new demand requirements.