Check Token Availability


Check Token Availability performs a status check on your available processing tokens and checks to make sure you have sufficient tokens to process your specified release points.

To learn more about the Liquids HCA Tool in general, please see Liquids HCA Tool Frequently Asked Questions.


The Liquids HCA Tool incorporates a usage-based licensing component; each release point processed consumes a processing “token.” Your perpetual license or subscription comes with an allotment of processing tokens; renewal of annual maintenance on perpetual licenses also includes a replenishment of processing tokens. Tokens never expire; so long as you maintain your subscription or maintenance on a perpetual license, your tokens will persist until used. You may, of course, purchase additional tokens at any time. Token reservoirs are maintained on a per company basis; each user in a company consumes tokens from a common store, much as is the case with ArcGIS Online credits.

When you analyze a release point and consume a token, that release point enters a one-year “grace period.” Within the grace period you may reanalyze that release point as often as you like and not consume any additional tokens. The grace period affords you ample time to perform multiple analyses on the same release point. Once the grace period on a release point expires, subsequent re-analysis will consume another token.

Release point grace periods are tracked on a per-user basis. If two users analyze the same release point, each will consume a separate token. This means that if your area of responsibility overlaps with that of another Liquids HCA Tool user, you should coordinate with that other user to make sure you do not needlessly duplicate token consumption.

Check Token Availability requires that you supply a set of release point features when checking on token availability. The tool checks your release point count against the count of available tokens and returns a boolean value in the derived Tool Status output parameter based on that comparison. If you have sufficient tokens to process your release point features, the tool returns a value of True for Tool Status; otherwise, it returns a value of False. This feature allows the Check Token Availability to be used in ModelBuilder (and in Python scripting) to enable conditional processing (if-then-else branching logic). Check Token Availability outputs a detailed message that can be viewed by pressing “View Details” in the progress bar while the tool is running. In the message section located within the “View Details” window, the tool displays your available token count, the total point count of your input release point features, the number of those release points that are within the grace period, and the total number of tokens required to process the input release point features.

Check Token Availability uses the following parameter:

  • Input Release Point Features – This parameter allows you to specify the release point features for use in checking processing token availability. You create release point features using the Create Release Points The default value for this parameter is the OSPOINTM feature class in your Liquids HCA project geodatabase. The tool looks for this feature class automatically; there is generally no need to alter the default parameter value.


CheckAvailableTokens_ (in_ospointm_features)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
in_ospointm_features Dialog Reference
Select your input release points features.
There is no Python reference for this parameter.
Feature Layer

Derived Output

Parameter Explanation Data Type

Dialog Reference

Returns True when sufficient tokens are available to process the input release points; otherwise, returns False.

There is no Python reference for this parameter


Code sample

The following script demonstrates how to use Check Token Availability with file geodatabase data:

import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r”C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\Lib\site-packages\liquidshca\esri\toolboxes\LiquidsHCA.pyt”)
release_points = r “C:\data\test.gdb\OSPointM”


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

There are no licensing requirements for this tool.

Related topics


Token, OSPOINTM, release point.


Copyright © 2016-2021 by G2 Integrated Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Use limitations

There are no access and use limitations for this item.

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