Create GeoClaw Cases


Create GeoClaw Cases initiates the creation of a GeoClaw “case” folder for each release point. The tool also creates configuration files that specify the GeoClaw settings to be used when performing the overland plume simulation for a release point; these configuration files are stored in the case folder. Case folders subsequently serve as the repositories for GeoClaw release point overland plume simulation results.

To learn more about the Liquids HCA Tool in general, please see Liquids HCA Tool Frequently Asked Questions.

To learn more about the structure of the Liquids HCA Tool project geodatabase, please see the Liquids HCA Tool Data Dictionary.


The Liquids HCA Tool uses a customized version of an open source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling package called GeoClaw to perform overland flow plume simulations (Berger, M.J., George, D.L., LeVeque, R.J. and Mandli, K.M. (2011) The GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flows with adaptive refinement. Advances in Water Resources, 34, pp. 1195-1206). GeoClaw uses high-resolution, Godunov-type, shock-capturing finite volume methods and Riemann solvers to solve the shallow water equations, a simplified, depth-integrated version of the general Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible, viscous fluid flow. Of particular importance to modeling pipeline releases and storage tank ruptures, dry states in the model space are handled automatically by GeoClaw. GeoClaw incorporates Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) to facilitate efficient and stable simulation of the highly transient flows typical of pipeline releases and storage tank ruptures. The G2-IS version of GeoClaw replaces the Manning equation in GeoClaw for friction factor calculation with the more generic Darcy-Weisbach equation, which allows for the incorporation of fluid density and viscosity terms, facilitating the modeling of working fluids other than water, such as hydrocarbons.

Create GeoClaw Cases collects all the information needed to define a GeoClaw case. The Liquids HCA Tool performs a separate GeoClaw overland plume simulation for each modeled release point. The configuration parameters for each modeled release point created for the GeoClaw simulation case are stored in a dedicated folder on disk; the case folder name is derived from the release point ID. The Create GeoClaw Cases parameters are divided into six sections:

1) Basic

  • Working Directory – Your working directory is the directory location where you store the output GeoClaw case folders. The working directory is set to the scratch folder location for your active ArcGIS Pro project by default. You can change this location if desired. However, best practice is to keep the working directory location in the same directory path as the Liquids HCA project geodatabase. The reason for this is that subsequently downloaded overland plume results (in the form of netCDF multidimensional raster files) will be incorporated into a multidimensional raster mosaic layer stored in the project geodatabase. It should be the best practice to keep the multidimensional raster mosaic and its source netCDF files in close proximity on disk. For more detail on netCDF format, see the ArcGIS Pro help topic: Fundamentals of netCDF data storage and/or visit
  • Time Slice Interval for GeoClaw Results – This parameter sets the time interval (in minutes) at which GeoClaw outputs individual plume time slices into the netCDF multidimensional raster file that stores GeoClaw overland plume simulation results. The default value is two minutes, which is a reasonable minimum time interval.
  • Topography Data Source – This parameter allows you to specify the data source to be used for obtaining digital elevation data for the GeoClaw plume simulations. Your choices are:
    • ‘Get from 3DEP map server’ – This is the default setting, and causes GeoClaw to download digital elevation data directly from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) web service.
    • ‘Get from Esri map server’ – When you select this option, GeoClaw downloads digital elevation data directly from the Esri Living Atlas Terrain image service. In the U.S., the Terrain layer is sourced from the USGS 3DEP dataset. However, the Terrain layer may be used anywhere in the world. If you select this option, you must have valid ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise user credentials, which you specify with the following additional parameters:
      • Username – This parameter captures your ArcGIS Online/ArcGIS Enterprise username. It is stored in the output configuration file in clear text format.
      • Password – This parameter captures your ArcGIS Online/ArcGIS Enterprise password. It is stored in a secure, encrypted format in the output configuration file.
    • ‘Local Raster Layer’ – When you select this option, the tool outputs elevation data from your local elevation data source into the topo.asc file in the case folder. You should select this option if you have your own digital elevation data that is of higher quality or resolution, or is of more recent vintage, than that available from the USGS or via the Esri Terrain layer. If you select this option, you must specify the following additional parameters:
      • Input Topography Layer – This parameter allows you to select your local digital elevation raster layer, either from the ArcGIS Pro Table of Contents or from a raster file on disk.
      • Use the cell size in the topography raster file as the GeoClaw X/Y resolution – This checkbox parameter allows you to specify whether your topography raster layer should be used to set the GeoClaw analysis resolution in X and Y. If you check the checkbox, GeoClaw will do so, and the X Resolution and Y Resolution parameters will be disabled and hidden.

Note that when you select either of the two web-based elevation data sources, download of digital topography data is deferred until GeoClaw executes on Microsoft Azure™. When you select a local elevation data source, your digital elevation data is converted immediately to ASCII format and stored in the case folder. It is subsequently transferred to Microsoft Azure for use by GeoClaw (via the Run Cases on Azure tool) along with the configuration files stored in the case folder. Using locally sourced digital elevation data results in longer execution times for both this tool and Run Cases on Azure as a result of digital data conversion and transfer. However, using locally sourced digital elevation data can be more reliable, as there are no concerns relative to digital elevation web service availability.

  • Hydrography Data Source This parameter allows you to specify the data source to be used for obtaining hydrography data for the GeoClaw plume simulations. Hydrographic features serve as the next means of transport for remaining volume as product sinks in the GeoClaw model space; overland plumes will not cross over or penetrate hydrographic features. Your choices are:
    • ‘Get from NHD feature server’ – This is the default setting, and causes GeoClaw to download digital hydrography data directly from the USGS NHDPlus High Resolution web service.
    • ‘Local feature layers’ – When you select this option, the tool outputs hydrography data from your local hydrography data source(s) into the hydro_n.asc file(s) in the case folder (where n is the index value of each input hydrography layer). You should select this option if you have your own hydrography data that is of higher quality or resolution, or is of more recent vintage, than that available from the USGS. If you select this option, you must specify the following additional parameter:
      • Input Hydrographic Features – This parameter allows you to select one or more local hydrography feature layers, either from the ArcGIS Pro Table of Contents or from other feature classes. Note that NHD hydrography features are typically stored in multiple features layers (e.g., NHD lines, waterbodies, and areas), so this parameter allows you specify multiple hydrographic feature layers, if desired.
  • Initial X Resolution – This parameter allows you to specify the initial X resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw analysis. Depending on your settings for the number of AMR levels and AMR refinement ratio, the final X resolution of the output netCDF multidimensional raster plume simulation file may be a smaller value. The default initial X resolution value is set to 10 meters, which, in combination with the default total AMR levels and refinement ratio, results in a final X resolution of 2.5 meters. This is slightly smaller than the most common nominal horizontal resolution (1/9 arc second) of the USGS 3DEP data.

Your X (and Y) computational domain must be covered evenly by whole cells, so you should generally choose an initial X resolution that divides evenly into your X computational domain. If you do not, your relative computational domain parameters will be automatically adjusted such that your specified initial X resolution does divide evenly into the X computational domain.

Note that GeoClaw does its work in the WGS84 Web Mercator projection, which matches the projection of the 3DEP web service. However, the 1/9 arc second resolution data source for the 3DEP web service has a native geographic coordinate system of NAD83. Both the original 1/9 arc second elevation data and the Web Mercator projection result in significant area and length distortion moving from south to north across the face of the planet. GeoClaw allows you to specify different X and Y resolution values to accommodate such distortions. However, Esri raster technology does not support differing X and Y resolutions in raster data and will resample netCDF data with differing X and Y resolutions to a single, common X/Y resolution. For this reason, G2-IS recommends that you specify the same resolution for both X and Y.

Note also that your specified GeoClaw resolution need not match the resolution of your digital elevation data source; digital elevation data will be resampled to match your specified resolution.

  • Initial Y Resolution – This parameter allows you to specify the initial Y resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw analysis. The default value is set to 10 meters, which, in combination with the default total AMR levels and refinement ratio, results in a final Y resolution of 2.5 meters. This is slightly smaller than the most common nominal horizontal resolution (1/9 arc second) of the USGS 3DEP data.

Although GeoClaw allows you to specify different X and Y resolution values, bear in mind that Esri raster technology does not support differing X and Y resolution in raster data. If you do specify different X and Y resolution values, ArcGIS Pro will resample the GeoClaw NetCDF output when creating a multidimensional raster layer such that X and Y cell resolution are equal. For this reason, G2-IS recommends that you use the same cell resolution for both X and Y.

  • Relative Computational Domain: Top (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the relative GeoClaw analysis extent to the north of the release point, in meters. The default value is 2,000 meters, which should be sufficient for most products and release scenarios. This value may be automatically adjusted to conform to your specified initial/final Y cell resolution value.
  • Relative Computational Domain: Bottom (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the relative GeoClaw analysis extent to the south of the release point, in meters. The default value is 2,000 meters. This value may be automatically adjusted to conform to your specified initial/final Y cell resolution value.
  • Relative Computational Domain: Left (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the relative GeoClaw analysis extent to the west of the release point, in meters. The default value is 2,000 meters. This value may be automatically adjusted to conform to your specified initial/final X cell resolution value.
  • Relative Computational Domain: Right (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the relative GeoClaw analysis extent to the east of the release point, in meters. The default value is 2,000 meters. This value may be automatically adjusted to conform to your specified initial/final X cell resolution value.
  • Apply a Date/Time Stamp to the netCDF Simulation Output – When checked, the tool applies a date/time stamp to the output netCDF raster file. Note that the netCDF format does not require a date/time stamp, but date/time stamps are part of the Climate Forecast (CF) netCDF metadata conventions, and, if you want to use the ArcGIS Pro time slider with the GeoClaw netCDF output, you must specify a date/time stamp. If you check this checkbox, you must supply two additional parameters:
    • Simulation Date/Time Stamp – This parameter allows you to specify the date/time stamp for the GeoClaw netCDF output. The default value is the date and time at which the tool was initialized.
    • NetCDF CF Calendar Type – This parameter allows you to specify the type of netCDF calendar to employ. The netCDF CF metadata conventions allow for various types of calendars, which are listed in the parameter pulldown. There is generally no need to alter the default value of ‘Standard.’

2) Release Point Parameters

  • Input Release Point Features – This parameter allows you to specify the release points to use in creating GeoClaw cases. The tool honors both feature selections and definition queries on feature layers, so you can generate GeoClaw cases for a subset of your release points, if desired. You must specify a feature layer produced by the Create Release Points tool. This tool also requires attribution populated by the Calculate Draindown tool, which you must run prior to running Create GeoClaw Cases. You must specify the following dependent parameters for your release point features:
    • Route Identifier Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that identifies the route on which the release point lies. The default value is the ROUTE_ID field in the release points feature layer. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Point Identifier Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that uniquely identifies each release point. The default value is the POINT_ID field in the release points feature layer. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Drain Volume Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the drain out volume (in bbl) for each release point. The default value is the DRAIN_VOL field in the release points feature layer. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Drain Rate Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the maximum gravity drain rate (in bbl/hr) for each release point. The default value is the DRAIN_RATE field in the release points feature layer. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Overland Flow Response Time Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the response time required to contain a land-based release (in minutes) for each release point. The default value is the OFRES_TIME field in the release points feature layer. There is generally no need to alter the default value.

3) Global Inputs Parameters

Input Global Inputs Table – This parameter allows you to specify the global inputs table or table view to use in creating your GeoClaw cases. You populated the global inputs using either the Import Global Input Data or Enter Global Input Data tools. The global inputs table stores data at the centerline route level regarding product properties, pipeline operating conditions, and ambient conditions that are needed by GeoClaw to accurately perform overland flow plume simulations. You must ensure that the following attribute columns are properly populated prior to running Create GeoClaw Cases in order to specify these dependent parameters for your specified global inputs table:

    • Route Identifier Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that uniquely identifies the centerline route features underlying your release points. The default value is the ROUTE_ID field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Pumping Flow Rate Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the pumping flow rate (in bbl/hr) for each centerline route. The default value is the FLOW_RATE field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Pipeline Shutdown Time Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the total time required to shut down the pipeline (in minutes), including pumps, automatic shutoff valves (ASVs), and remotely operated valves (ROVs) for each centerline route. The default value is the P_SD_TIME field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Kinematic Viscosity Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the kinematic viscosity of the product (in centistokes) for each centerline route. The default value is the KIN_VISC field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Product Density Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the product density (in g/cc) for each centerline route. The default value is the PROD_DNSTY field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Kinematic Viscosity Reference Temperature Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the reference temperature at which product kinematic viscosity was determined (in degrees C). The default value is the KVISC_TEMP field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Ambient Temperature Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the ambient outside temperature (in degrees C) for use in GeoClaw simulation for each centerline route. The default value is the T_AMB field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Evaporation Coefficient 1 Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the Fingas evaporation coefficient 1 for the product for each centerline route. The default value is the FINGAS_1 field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Evaporation Coefficient 2 Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the Fingas evaporation coefficient 2 for the product for each centerline route. The default value is the FINGAS_2 field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.
    • Evaporation Model Equation Form Field – This parameter allows you to select the field that stores the Fingas evaporation equation form (Logarithmic or Square Root). The default value is the EQ_FORM field. There is generally no need to alter the default value.

4) Darcy-Weisbach Friction Settings

  • Darcy-Weisbach Model – This parameter allows you to specify the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor model for use by GeoClaw. Currently, the tool supports two values, ‘None,’ and the default value, ‘Three-regime model.’ The ‘Three-regime model’ uses a friction factor equation applicable to laminar, transitional, and fully turbulent flow, based on the work of S. W. Churchill (Churchill, S.W. (1977) Friction Factor Equations Spans All Fluid-Flow Regimes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 84, 91-92.). G2-IS recommends using only the default value.
  • Surface Roughness – This parameter allows you to specify relative surface roughness (in meters). Your intuitive understanding surface roughness is sound; the rougher the surface, the more overland flow is impeded. Quantification of surface roughness is based on measuring the deviation of the normal vector of the surface relative to its ideal form. For example, for a flat surface, the normal vector should always be perpendicular to the surface; any deviation from that is an indication of roughness. Surface roughness values typically range from 0.005 to 0.03 meters for bare earth. However, vegetation increases surface roughness. The default value is 0.1 meters, a reasonably conservative general-purpose value.

5) Misc

  • Skip Setup if a Case Folder Already Exists – This parameter allows you to specify whether existing case folders are overwritten by the tool. By checking this box, you are choosing to skip the case setup for a preexisting case folder. Unchecking the box causes the tool to overwrite any existing GeoClaw case data.

6) Advanced Numerical Parameters

  • Initial Time Step Duration (seconds) – This parameter allows you to specify the duration of the initial time step in the GeoClaw simulation. The default value of zero (0) causes GeoClaw to use a default (non-zero) initial time step, which varies based on the AMR levels setting. For example, the default initial time step for AMR levels = 2 is 1.0 seconds; for AMR levels = 3, the default initial time step is 0.25 seconds. GeoClaw is not particularly sensitive to the initial time step setting; the GeoClaw algorithm automatically and continuously adjusts the simulation time step duration during execution. Be aware, however, that the default initial time step values for GeoClaw are scaled to large-scale phenomena, such as dam breaks and tsunamis (with accompanying larger digital topography cell sizes). If you wish to vary the initial time step value from GeoClaw defaults, G2-IS recommends that you decrease the initial time step.
  • Maximum Time Step Duration (seconds) – This parameter allows you specify the maximum time step duration in the GeoClaw simulation. GeoClaw is not particularly sensitive to the maximum time step setting; it merely ensures that GeoClaw will not exceed the specified maximum time step duration. The default value of four (4) seconds generally requires no modification.
  • Desired CFL Number – This parameter allows you specify the desired Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) number for the GeoClaw simulation. The CFL (or, colloquially, Courant) number is a dimensionless quantity that compares the plume wave front velocity to the time step duration and topography grid cell size. For CFL = 1.0, by definition, the plume wave front crosses one grid cell in one time step. Based on the nature of its algorithm, GeoClaw will become unstable if the CFL number consistently exceeds 1 for multiple consecutive simulation increments. In this situation, the plume wave front is basically outrunning the simulator. GeoClaw adjusts the time step to match the desired CFL number. Time steps are adjusted based on the maximum plume wave front velocity seen in the last time step taken. The default value of 0.9 maximizes computing efficiency and should be suitable to almost all model scenarios.
  • Maximum Allowed CFL Number – This parameter allows you to define the maximum allowable CFL number. For the GeoClaw simulation algorithm, maximum CFL values less than 1.0 should be used. The default value for this parameter of 0.95 should be suitable to almost all model scenarios.
  • Total AMR Levels – This parameter allows you to define the maximum number of AMR levels to incorporate into the GeoClaw simulation. AMR is used to enhance computing efficiency, and to ensure simulation stability in areas of high flow transience. The AMR algorithm is recursive, adding additional detail to the model space where needed, with increasing detail for each successive AMR level. Note that, because it effectively reduces the topography grid cell size, AMR also reduces the time step (to maintain the target CFL number). Mesh refinement is triggered by deviation from specified wave height and velocity tolerances. These tolerances can be adjusted in the file for a GeoClaw case, but they are not exposed as tool parameters. (These parameters are tuned in a general way to the scale of pipeline releases and storage tank ruptures and should not need adjustment.) The default value for total AMR levels is two (2), meaning that one level of mesh refinement will be applied. (Specifying total AMR levels to be equal to one (1) effectively tells GeoClaw not to use AMR.)

Most, but not all, simulations will run successfully at total AMR levels = 2. Nearly all simulations will run successfully at total AMR levels = 3, but at the expense of significantly increased computing time. Note that the grid refinements of AMR are performed in machine RAM, which effectively limits the total number of AMR levels that can be applied. Most reasonably configured Azure virtual machines (nodes) do not have sufficient RAM to support AMR levels > 4. The optimum total AMR levels value is dependent on all the variables that enter the GeoClaw simulation, so you will likely need to experiment to determine the optimum total AMR levels value for your release scenarios.

  • AMR Refinement Ratio – This parameter allows you to define the level of grid refinement to apply to each successive AMR level. The default value of four (4) essentially quarters the grid cell size, splitting the parent cell into 16 cells. Note that this nominally reduces the time step by a factor of four, as well. The default value typically requires no modification.
  • Final X Resolution (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the final X resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw analysis and the output netCDF multidimensional raster plume simulation file. If you change this value, the Initial X Resolution (m) parameter value is updated accordingly to maintain consistency. Final X resolution is a function of initial X resolution, total AMR levels, and the AMR refinement ratio such that:

Final Resolution = Initial Resolution / (AMR Refinement Ratio)(Total AMR Levels – 1)

  • Final Y Resolution (m) – This parameter allows you to specify the final Y resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw analysis and the output netCDF multidimensional raster plume simulation file. If you change this value, the Initial Y Resolution (m) parameter value is updated accordingly to maintain consistency.

Create GeoClaw Cases automatically creates folders for each release point in the specified working directory. The name of each case folder is defined by the point identifier field (POINT_ID) value for each release point. The following files are created in each case folder:

  • case_settings.txt – This file stores metadata about the GeoClaw case, including the ArcGIS Pro project file from which the tool was run, the release point layer name in the ArcGIS Pro project table of contents, the release point X/Y location, the date/time stamp (if applied), the case name field (i.e., POINT_ID), and the case name. This file effectively records the provenance of the GeoClaw case.
  • roughness.txt – This file stores the header for the ASCII digital elevation file in lines 1 – 6 and the surface roughness value in line 8.
  • – This file stores all the parameters that are used to initialize the GeoClaw simulation.

In a typical liquids HCA analysis workflow, Create GeoClaw Cases is run after Calculate Draindown. The next tool to run after Create GeoClaw Cases in a typical liquids HCA analysis workflow is Run Cases on Azure.

For visual reference on Liquids HCA Tool execution order, see Liquids HCA Tool Process Flow Diagrams.


PrepareGeoClawCases_ (working_dir, output_time, topo_type, {topo_layer}, hydro_type, {hydro_layers}, auto_res, x_res, y_res, dist_top, dist_bottom, dist_left, dist_right, {apply_datetime_stamp}, {simulation_datetime}, {calendar_type}, rupture_point, route_id_field, point_id_field, drain_vol_field, drain_rate_field, sim_time_field, global_inputs, gi_route_id_field, flow_rate_field, psd_time_field, kin_visc_field, density_field, kin_visc_temp_field, amb_temp_field, evap_coeff1_field, evap_coeff2_field, evap_type_field, friction_type, {roughness}, ignore, dt_init, dt_max, cfl_desired, cfl_max, amr_max, refinement_ratio, final_x_res, final_y_res)

Parameter Explanation Data Type

Dialog Reference

Specify your working directory.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the time slice interval in minutes for GeoClaw netCDF multidimensional raster output.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the topography data source for GeoClaw.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select a raster layer to use as the topography data source for GeoClaw.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Raster Layer

Dialog Reference

Specify the hydrography data source for GeoClaw.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify one or more hydrography feature layers to use as the hydrography data source for GeoClaw.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Multiple Value

Dialog Reference

Check this checkbox to cause GeoClaw to use the resolution of your selected local topography data source to define the X and Y resolution of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the initial X resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the initial Y resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the extent of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation model space to the north of the release point (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the extent of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation model space to the south of the release point (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the extent of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation model space to the west of the release point (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the extent of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation model space to the east of the release point (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Check this checkbox to apply a date/time stamp to the GeoClaw netCDF multidimensional raster output.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the simulation date/time stamp to apply to the GeoClaw netCDF multidimensional raster output.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Choose the calendar type to apply to the GeoClaw netCDF multidimensional raster output.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the release points features for which to create GeoClaw cases.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Feature Layer

Dialog Reference

Select the field storing the centerline route ID for your release points features.

There is no python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field storing the point ID for your release points features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field storing the drain out volume for your release points features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field storing the maximum gravity drain rate for your release points features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field storing the overland release containment response time for your release points features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the global inputs table for use in creating GeoClaw cases.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View

Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the ID for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the pumping flow rate for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the pipeline shutdown time for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product kinematic viscosity for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product density for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product kinematic viscosity reference temperature for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the ambient outside temperature for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product Fingas evaporation coefficient 1 for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product Fingas evaporation coefficient 2 for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in the global inputs table that stores the product Fingas evaporation equation form for each centerline route in the table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the friction factor equation to apply in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the surface roughness value to use in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Check this checkbox to skip case setup (not overwrite an existing case) if a case folder already exists.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the initial time step duration in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the maximum time step duration in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the desired CFL number in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the maximum allowable CFL number in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the total number of AMR levels to use in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the AMR refinement ratio to use in the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the final X resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the final Y resolution (in meters) of the GeoClaw overland plume simulation.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Code sample

The following script demonstrates how to use Create GeoClaw Cases:

import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r”C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\Lib\site-packages\liquidshca\esri\toolboxes\LiquidsHCA.pyt”)
in_dir = r”C:\data”
topo_type = “Get from 3DEP map server”
base_topo = None
hydro_type = “Get from NHD feature server”hydro_feat = Noneauto_resl = Falsex_resl = 3
y_resl = 3
comp_dom_top = 2000
comp_dom_bottom = 2000comp_dom_left = 2000
comp_dom_right = 2000
apply_date = True
sim_date = “4/5/2020”
calender_type = “Standard”
arcpy.env.workspace = r”C:\data\test.gdb”
global_inputs = “global_inputs”
release_points = “OSPointM”
point_id_field = “POINT_ID”
route_id_field = “ROUTE_ID”
drain_vol_field = “DRAIN_VOL”
drain_rate_field = “DRAIN_RATE”
ofres_time_field = “OFRES_TIME”
flow_rate_field = “FLOW_RATE”
psd_time_field = “P_SD_TIME”
kin_visc_field = “KIN_VISC”
prod_dnst_field = “PROD_DNSTY”
kin_visc_temp_field = “KVISC_TEMP”
t_amb_field = “T_AMB”
fingas1_field = “FINGAS_1”
fingas2_field = “FINGAS_2”
eq_form_field = “EQ_FORM”
darcy_model = “Three-regime model”
surf_roughness = 0.1
skip_if_folder_exists = True
init_time = 0
max_time = 4
cfl_desired = 0.9
cfl_max = 0.95
amr_total = 2
amr_ratito = 4
final_x_res = 1
final_y_res = 1
arcpy.liquidshca.PrepareGeoClawCases(in_dir, time_interval, topo_type, base_topo, hydro_type, hydro_feat, auto_resl, x_resl, y_resl, comp_dom_top, comp_dom_bottom, comp_dom_left, comp_dom_right, apply_date, sim_date, calender_type, release_points, route_id_field, point_id_field, drain_vol_field, drain_rate_field , ofres_time_field , global_inputs, route_id_field, flow_rate_field, psd_time_field , kin_visc_field, prod_dnst_field, kin_visc_temp_field, t_amb_field, fingas1_field, fingas2_field, eq_form_field, darcy_model, surf_roughness, skip_if_folder_exists, init_time, max_time, cfl_desired, cfl_max, amr_total, amr_ratit, final_x_res, final_y_res)


Licensing information

This tool requires a valid Liquids HCA Tool user license or subscription. Please see the Request License and Register License tool help topics for details on obtaining and registering a Liquids HCA Tool software license. The version of GeoClaw that is customized to use the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is available here for use under the terms of the Berkeley 3-Clause (BSD-3-Clause) open source license. Create GeoClaw Cases is a G2-IS customized version of a tool present in the geoclaw-azure-launcher tools available here for use under the terms of the Berkeley 3-Clause (BSD-3-Clause) open source license.

Related topics


Liquids HCA, release point, Azure, Clawpack, GeoClaw, CFL, AMR, Darcy-Weisbach, friction factor, netCDF.


Copyright © 2019-2020 Pi-Yueh Chuang, Lorena A. Barba, and G2 Integrated Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Copyright © 2019-2020 Pi-Yueh Chuang, Lorena A. Barba, and G2 Integrated Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Copyright © 1994-2020 The Clawpack Development Team, Pi-Yueh Chuang, and Lorena A. Barba. All Rights Reserved.

Use limitations

There are no access and use limitations for this item.