Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections


Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections performs High Consequence Area (HCA) intersection calculations on your centerline route (release point) features and your Land Spill overland flow plume transport analysis results.

To learn more about the Liquids HCA Tool in general, please see Liquids HCA Tool Frequently Asked Questions.

To learn more about the structure of the Liquids HCA Tool project geodatabase, please see Liquids HCA Tool Data Dictionary.


Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections creates a table in your Liquids HCA project file geodatabase, named HCA_INTERSECTIONS, that stores HCA intersection information for your release points, Land Spill overland flow plumes, and Hydro Trace downstream transport plumes. For each intersection of an HCA by either a centerline route feature (actually, your release point features) or an overland release plume, Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections writes a record to the HCA_INTERSECTIONS table in your Liquids HCA project file geodatabase. Each intersection record records the route and release point from which the intersecting release plume is sourced, the intersection type (centerline or overland flow), the time the plume enters (and, possibly, exits) the HCA, and the plume volume introduced into the HCA (and the plume volume remaining upon exit of the HCA, if appropriate), as well as the identifier of the affected HCA feature and the areal extent of the HCA affected. (Note that Calculate Hydro Trace HCA Intersections performs much the same function for downstream transport release plumes and writes its results to the same HCA_INTERSECTIONS table.) Because a single release plume may affect many HCAs, and because a given HCA can be affected by many release plumes, the HCA_INTERSECTIONS table can become very large.

Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections uses the following parameters:

  • Input Project Database – This parameter allows you to specify your Liquids HCA project file geodatabase. You created your project geodatabase with the Initialize Database tool. By default, your input release points, global inputs table, and HCA features are all sourced from your Liquids HCA Project file geodatabase, and the output HCA intersection records and overland flow polygon features are written to your project file geodatabase.
  • Working Directory – This parameter allows you to specify the working directory location for your release point GeoClaw case folders. The working directory is set to the Scratch Folder location for your active ArcGIS Pro project by default. This tool uses the netCDF multidimensional raster files output by GeoClaw on Microsoft Azure® and downloaded to your working directory with the Download Cases from Azure tool as an input to calculating overland release plume intersections with HCA features.
  • Input Release Point Features – This parameter allows you to specify the release points to use in calculating HCA intersections. The default value is the OSPOINTM feature class in your specified project geodatabase. However, the tool honors both feature selections and definition queries on feature layers, so you can calculate HCA intersections for a subset of your release point release plumes, if desired. You must specify a feature layer/feature class produced by the Create Release Points tool. The tool makes use of the following attributes from your release points layer:
    • ROUTE_ID – This is the field that identifies the route on which the release point lies.
    • POINT_ID – This is the field that uniquely identifies each release point.
  • Input Global Inputs Table – This parameter allows you to specify the global inputs table to use in calculating HCA intersections. You populated the global inputs using either the Import Global Input Data tool or Enter Global Input Data tool. The global inputs table stores data at the centerline route level regarding product properties, pipeline operating conditions, and ambient conditions; this attribution is used to calculated product losses as the plume progresses. The default value is the GLOBAL_INPUTS table in your specified project geodatabase. Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections makes use of the following attributes in the global inputs table:
    • ROUTE_ID – This field uniquely identifies your centerline route features.
    • EQ_TYPE – This field stores the evaporation equation type. Valid values are ‘Fingas’ or ‘G2-IS.’
    • EQ_FORM – This field stores the evaporation equation form. Valid values are ‘Logarithmic’ or ‘Square Root.’
    • FINGAS_1 – This field stores the evaporation equation coefficient 1 for the product for the centerline route from which the product plume is released.
    • FINGAS_2 – This field stores the evaporation equation coefficient 2 for the product for the centerline route from which the product plume is released.
    • T_AMB – This field stores ambient temperature for the release plume (in degrees C).
    • PROD_DNSTY – This field stores product density (in g/cc) for the release plume.
    • API_GRAV – This field stores product API gravity (in degrees API) for the release plume.
    • ADHSN_RT – This field stores the ground surface product adhesion rate (in g/m2).
    • INFIL_RT – This field stores the ground surface product infiltration rate in Darcy flux units (volume per unit area per unit time, or bbl/m2/hr).
  • Input High Consequence Area (HCA) Features – This parameter allows you to specify the HCA features to use in calculating HCA intersections. The default value is the HIGH_CONSEQUENCE_AREAS feature class in your specified project geodatabase that you populated using the Import High Consequence Areas tool. The tool makes use of the following input field parameters from your HCA features layer. The tool automatically searches for these fields in your specified HCA features layer, so there is generally no reason to alter any of these parameters:
    • HCA Identifier Field – This parameter is the field that uniquely identifies your HCA features. The default value is the G2_HCA_ID field in your specified HCA features layer.
    • HCA Type Field – This parameter is the field that stores the HCA feature type. Valid HCA Types are HPA, OPA, NW, EC, and DW. The default value is the HCA_TYPE field in your specified HCA features layer.
    • HCA Route Identifier Field – This parameter is the field that stores the route identifier associated with buffered HCA features. The value stored in this field for unbuffered HCA feature is -9999. The default value is the ROUTE_ID field in your specified HCA features layer.
    • HCA Centerline Buffer Distance Field – This parameter is the field that stores the HCA buffer distance (in meters) for centerline route features (by route and HCA type). This buffer distance is a ‘fudge factor’ to account for uncertainties in the spatial location of HCA features and/or centerline route features when calculating HCA – centerline route intersections. The default value is the CL_BUFF field in your specified HCA features layer.
    • HCA Land Spill Buffer Distance Field – This parameter is the field that stores the HCA buffer distance (in meters) for overland flow plumes (by route and HCA type). This buffer distance is a ‘fudge factor’ to account for uncertainties in the spatial location of HCA features and/or release plumes when calculating HCA – release plume intersections. The default value is the CL_BUFF field in your specified HCA features layer.
  • Output HCA Intersections Table – This parameter allows you to specify the output name and location of the HCA intersections table created by the tool. The default value is HCA_INTERSECTIONS, located in the output project. Note that if the specified table already exists, the tool will append output to that table. There is generally no reason to change the default value of this parameter.

In a typical Liquids HCA Tool workflow you run Calculate Land Spill HCA Intersections after Create Multidimensional Raster Mosaic and Import High Consequence Areas, and before Calculate Hydro Trace HCA Intersections and Generate Could Affect Segments.

For visual reference on Liquids HCA Tool execution order, see Liquids HCA Tool Process Flow Diagrams.


CalculateLandspillHCAIntersections (in_workspace, in_nc_data_dir, in_ospointm_features, in_global_inputs_table,  in_hca_layer, in_hca_id_field, in_hca_type_field, in_hca_route_id_field, in_hca_cl_buffer_field, in_hca_ls_buffer_field, out_hca_intersections_table)

Parameter Explanation Data Type

Dialog Reference

Specify your input liquids HCA project file geodatabase.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the path to your liquids HCA working directory.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select your input release point features from your input project geodatabase.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Feature Layer

Dialog Reference

Select your input global inputs table from your input project geodatabase.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View

Dialog Reference

Select your input HCA features from your input project geodatabase.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Feature Layer

Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input HCA features that stores the unique identifier for each HCA feature.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input HCA features that stores HCA feature type.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input HCA features that stores the route identifier linking buffered HCA features to centerline route features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input HCA features that stores the HCA buffer distance for centerline routes (by centerline route and HCA type).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input HCA features that stores the HCA buffer distance for release plumes (by centerline route and HCA type).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Specify the name and destination for your output HCA Intersections table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Code sample

The following code sample demonstrates how to use Calculate Land spill HCA Intersections in Python scripting:

import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r”C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\Lib\site-packages\liquidshca\esri\toolboxes\LiquidsHCA.pyt”)
arcpy.env.workspace = r “C:\data\test.gdb”
in_workspace = r “C:\data\test.gdb”
netcdf_dir = “C:\data”
in_release_points = r “C:\data\test.gdb\OSPOINTM”
in_global_inputs = r “C:\data\test.gdb\GLOBAL_INPUTS”
in_hca_layer = r “C:\data\test.gdb\HIGH_CONSEQUENCE_AREAS”
hca_id_field = “G2_HCA_ID”
hca_type_field = “HCA_TYPE”
hca_route_id_field = “ROUTE_ID”
hca_cl_buffer_field = “CL_BUFF”
hca_ls_buffer_field = “OF_BUFF”
out_hca_intersections_table = r “C:\data\test.gdb\HCA_INTERSECTIONS”


arcpy.liquidshca.CalculateLandspillHCAIntersections(in_workspace, netcdf_dir, in_release_points, in_global_inputs, in_hca_layer, hca_id_field, hca_type_field, hca_route_id_field, hca_cl_buffer_field, hca_ls_buffer_field,  out_hca_intersections_table)


Current WorkspaceScratch Workspace, Default Output Z ValueM ResolutionM Tolerance, Output M Domain, Output XY DomainOutput Z DomainOutput Coordinate System, Extent, Output has M values, Output has Z valuesXY ResolutionXY ToleranceZ ResolutionZ Tolerance , Qualified Field Names.

Licensing information

This tool requires a valid Liquids HCA Tool user license or subscription. Please see the Request License and Register License tool help topics for details on obtaining and registering a Liquids HCA Tool software license.

Related topics


Liquids HCA, Centerline, Geodatabase, Could Affect, HCA, Gentleman


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Use limitations

There are no access and use limitations for this item.

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