An overview of the Liquids HCA Master Tools toolbox

The Liquids HCA Master Tools toolbox contains a collection of tools that streamlines the process of analysis by combining and encapsulating tools from the Liquids HCA Tools toolbox into a series of higher-level workflows that allow you to perform release plume simulations and determine which portions of the analyzed liquids pipelines could affect HCAs. This collection of tools reflects G2-IS’ preferred best practices for performing overland flow simulations, hydrographic transport analysis, and “could affect” segment determinations. However, at G2-IS, we recognize that many operators have their own preferred workflows and best practices for these processes. For this reason, we have implemented the tools in the Liquids HCA Master Tools toolbox as Esri ModelBuilder model tools. You can easily reconfigure these tools using ModelBuilder to suit your own needs and conform them to your own preferred workflows and best practices.

The Liquids HCA Master Tool toolbox contains seven tools:

Tool Description
Download Land Spill Results Downloads Land Spill GeoClaw results from Azure to your specified working directory, and creates a multidimensional raster mosaic dataset to support time-aware display visualization of overland flow simulation plumes in ArcGIS Pro.
Generate Could Affect Segments with Report Performs intersection calculations between your overland flow and hydrographic transport plumes and HCAs, then populates the “could affect” segments table in your Liquids HCA project geodatabase, and finally outputs a “could affect” segments report in PDF format.
Generate Release Points Creates release points at a specified distance interval along your pipeline centerline route features and then calculated drain down volumes for the release points.
Initialize Liquids HCA Project Database – Multiple Lines Creates a project file geodatabase for liquids HCA analysis, imports multiple pipeline centerline route features, and then imports global inputs data (pipeline operating conditions, product properties, ambient conditions, and spatial constraints data) for your pipelines from a tabular data source.
Initialize Liquids HCA Project Database – Single Line Creates a project file geodatabase for liquids HCA analysis, and captures data for a single pipeline, including the centerline route feature and global inputs data (pipeline operating conditions, product properties, ambient conditions, and spatial constraints data) for the pipeline.
Run Hydro Trace Downloads and conditions NHD waterways and waterbodies for analysis, calculates intersections of Land Spill GeoClaw overland flow plumes with waterways and waterbodies, and performs downstream hydrographic transport analysis on those plumes that enter waterways or waterbodies.
Run Land Spill Creates Land Spill GeoClaw case folders and corresponding configuration files inside each case folder, and then submits the Land Spill GeoClaw cases for your release points to Azure for execution.