Liquids HCA Tool Add-In
Liquids HCA Tool Add-In help overview
The Liquids HCA Tool Add-In consists of an ArcGIS Pro ribbon tab called Liquids HCA. The Liquids HCA ribbon tab comprises several tools that are grouped by functionality to enhance your Liquids HCA Tool installation and uninstallation process along with further exploring your simulated product release plumes. The tool groups within the Liquids HCA tab are as follows:
- Installation
- Explore Plume
- NHD Flowline Editing
Each of the tool groups specified above have their own tools that are designed to provide unique functionality.
The Installation tool group provides you with two tools that quickly install and uninstall the Liquids HCA Tool software with a simple click of a button. These powerful tools are capable of automatically detecting whether your system comprises the Liquids HCA Tool software. The Installation tool group automatically designates the label of the tool to properly identify if an install is necessary. For instance, if the name of the tool displays ‘Install Liquids HCA Tool,’ you will need to install the Liquids HCA Tool, as it is not detected on your machine. However, if the tool display name is ‘Uninstall Liquids HCA Tool,’ the Liquids HCA Tool is already installed on your system and, therefore, you can uninstall the Liquids HCA Tool if you wish to do so. Instructions for installing and uninstalling the Liquids HCA Tool through this Installation tool group is provided in subsequent sections.
The Explore Plume tool group comprises the following four tools:
- Explore Plume
- Reset Plume
- Configure Plume
- Knowledge Center
The Explore Plume tool allows you to select a specific release point and view its corresponding plume information. This is helpful in isolating and viewing information for the affected paths of the release point. The Reset Plume tool resets your previously selected release point, thus allowing all release points and plume information to be visible and ready for re-selecting. You can then select the next desired release point for plume viewing. The Configure Plume tool allows you to select the specified feature classes for explore plume viewing. The Knowledge Center tool allows for quick and direct access to this help information.
The NHD Flowline Editing tool group comprises the following five distinct tools:
- Select by Rectangle
- Select by Polygon
- Clear
- NHD Edit
- Reverse Flow Direction
The tools within the NHD Flowline Editing tool group are designed to further assist you in exploring and editing your simulated product release plumes within your NHDFlowline feature class produced by the Liquids HCA Tool.
The Select by Rectangle selection tool allows for selecting a single feature by a single click or multiple features by drawing a dotted box. The Select by Polygon selection tool allows you to select multiple features by drawing a dotted polygon that directly intersects your intended features. The Clear tool is a deselection tool. It allows you to deselect all selected features. The Reverse Flow Direction tool allows you to reverse the flow direction of your selected features. Selecting this tool once reverses the flow direction from its current directions to the opposite direction. Selecting this tool again for the same feature reverts the flow in the previous direction. The NHD Edit tool allows you to add stream velocity in meters per second (m/s) to the selected feature(s) that is otherwise left null. The tool can also change out-of-network features into in-network features in your NHDFlowline feature class and it changes the parameters in the network.
For more information on installing Liquids HCA Tool on your machine and requirements, please see the Liquids HCA Get Started page.
Install Liquids HCA Tool
To begin the installation process of the Liquids HCA Tool using your Liquids HCA Tool Add-In, you must open a session in ArcGIS Pro.
1. Once you have opened an active session of ArcGIS Pro, simply navigate to the horizontal ribbon at the top of the application window and select the ‘Liquids HCA’ tab.
2. Next, navigate to the Installation tool group and click on ‘Install Liquids HCA Tool’ to begin installation. If the Liquids HCA Tool is already installed, this tool will read ‘Uninstall Liquids HCA Tool.’
3. Windows automatically shows the ‘User Account Control’ screen. Click on ‘Yes’ to continue the installation and ‘No’ to exit the installation.
4. The command prompt window installs your dependent Python packages for the Liquids HCA Tool. The command prompt will run its cycle and close the window when all packages have been successfully installed.
5. The ‘Result’ window displays a successful installation of the Liquids HCA Tool. Click ‘OK’ to exit the ‘Result’ window.
6. Finally, navigate to Geoprocessing/Toolboxes/Liquids HCA Tools and Liquids HCA Master Tools to confirm that the Liquids HCA Tool is visible in ArcGIS Pro.
This ends the Liquids HCA Tool installation process using the Liquids HCA Tool Add-In. The next section discusses uninstallation of the Liquids HCA Tool.
Uninstall Liquids HCA Tool
To begin the uninstallation process of the Liquids HCA Tool using your Liquids HCA Tool Add-In, you must open a session in ArcGIS Pro.
1. Once you have an active session of ArcGIS Pro open, simply navigate to the horizontal ribbon at the top of the application window and select the ‘Liquids HCA’ tab.
2. Next, navigate to the Installation tool group and click on ‘Uninstall Liquids HCA Tool’ to begin uninstalling the Liquids HCA Tool. If the Liquids HCA Tool is already uninstalled, this tool will read ‘Install Liquids HCA Tool’.
3. Windows automatically shows the ‘User Account Control’ screen. Click on ‘Yes’ to continue with the uninstallation; otherwise, click on ‘No’ to exit and cancel the uninstall process.
4. The ‘Result’ window displays a successful uninstallation of the Liquids HCA Tool. Click on ‘OK’ to exit the ‘Result’ window. It is recommended that you close and re-open ArcGIS Pro after uninstalling the Liquids HCA Tool.
This ends the Liquids HCA Tool uninstallation process using the Liquids HCA Add-In.
For more information on installing Liquids HCA Tool on your machine and requirements, please see the Liquids HCA Get Started page.
Explore Plume
The Explore Plume tool is part of the Liquids HCA Tool Add-In and was developed to assist you in the efforts of viewing the release point features on a point-by-point basis. This allows the selected point and its release features (Land spill, NHD Intersection, Hydro Trace, and Hydro Spread) to be displayed. In order to use this tool successfully, you must have already run through the necessary tools in the Liquids HCA Tool project workflow.
To begin using the Explore Plume tool, ensure that you have a valid project opened in your ArcGIS Pro.
1. Once you have an active session of ArcGIS Pro open, simply navigate to the horizontal ribbon at the top of the application window and select the ‘Liquids HCA’ tab.
2. Next, navigate to the ‘Explore Plume’ tool group and click on ‘Explore Plume.’
3. The ‘Explore Plume’ tool displays by default. Clicking on the tool exposes a small drop-down selection menu with three other tools: Reset Plume, Configure Plume, and Knowledge Center. Next, click on ‘Configure Plume.’ The existing tool name displayed automatically changes to ‘Configure Plume’ to identify which tool is being used. Each time you select a tool in this navigation menu, the name will be updated to represent the selected tool.
4. The ‘Configure Plume’ parameter menu displays with several input parameters. Each input parameter is defined below. After ensuring each input parameter is specified correctly, click on ‘Configure’ to proceed with the selected input configurations.
- Select Release Points Layer – Your input release point features are sourced from the Contents menu and were created when you ran the Create Release Points tool. If you specified a different name for your release point features when you ran Create Release Points, you will need to select that feature class here.
- Select Land Spill Layer – Your input land spill features are sourced from the Contents menu and were created when you ran the Create Multidimensional Raster Mosaic tool. If you specified a different name for your release point features when you ran Create Multidimensional Raster Mosaic, you will need to select that feature class here.
- Select Land Spill Intersections Layer – Your input land spill intersections features are sourced from the Contents menu and were created when you ran the Calculate Land Spill NHD Intersections tool. If you specified a different name for your Land Spill Intersections features when you ran Calculate Land Spill NHD Intersections, you will need to select that feature class here.
- Select Hydro Trace Path Layer – Your input hydro trace path features are sourced from the Contents menu and were created when you ran the Hydro Trace. If you specified a different name for your Hydro Trace path features when you ran Hydro Trace, you will need to select that feature class here.
- Select Hydro Spread Layer – Your input hydro spread features are sourced from the Contents menu and were created when you ran the Hydro Trace tool. If you specified a different name for your Hydro Spread features when you ran Hydro Trace, you will need to select that feature class here.
5. The Explore Plume tool allows you to view and explore the other release points. Once you click on a specific release point feature, the remaining release points will not show. The tool ensures this by running a definition query, thereby leaving the selected point and its release features displayed within the Map. The hypothetical release simulation will only show for the selected point. The tool allows for the simulation to be paused and further analyzed by navigating through each release point to viewing the plume at each release point.
6. The ‘Reset Plume’ tool allows you to reset your previous ‘Configure Plume’ tool selection features to allow for a different selection of feature layers. This is helpful if you wish to pull in other appropriate feature layers (i.e., a different release point layers) and to click and view the next release point. The ‘Reset Plume’ tool removes the current definition query each time you click on a new point. Every time you wish to view the next point, you must reset the plume and then click on the ‘Explore Plume’ tool to select the next release point.
7. Finally, the ‘Knowledge Center’ tool, when selected, will take you to the G2-IS Liquids HCA Tool online home page where you can find further information on the Liquids HCA Tool and the Liquids HCA Tool Add-In.
This concludes the Explore Plume tool group help. For help with you NHD Flowline Editing tool, see NHD Flowline Editing help page.
NHD Flowline Editing
The NHD Flowline Editing tool group was designed to assist you with making changes to your preexisting NHDFlowline feature class for special scenarios in which the streamlines are not connected to the stream network. This tool will help to include the excluded steams into the stream network. The following process illustrates step by step how to begin using the NHD Flowline Editing tool group.
To begin using the NHD Flowline Editing tool group, ensure that you have a valid project opened in your ArcGIS Pro. Therefore, you must have an existing NHDFlowline feature class. This is produced by the NHDPlus High Resolution Data Download.
1. Once you have opened an active session of ArcGIS Pro, simply navigate to the horizontal ribbon at the top of the application window and select the ‘Liquids HCA’ tab.
2. Next, navigate to the NHD Flowline Editing tool group. The NHD Flowline Editing tool group has several tools at your disposal.
3. The ‘Show Flow Direction’ tool is an optional tool that allows you to view the stream flow direction by identifying the stream feature with an arrow in your Map.
4. Navigate to the selection tools located in the left-hand corner of the NHD Flowline Editing tool group. Select the top selection tool as illustrated in the image. This is called the ‘Select by Rectangle’ tool.
5. Next, you can use the selection tool to select one or multiple out-of-network features within you NHDFlowline feature class. These selected features are considered when using the NHD Edit tool and will become your in-network features. There are two selection tools provided; you can use either the one that is being administered here, which is the ‘Select by Rectangle’ tool, or the one right below it, named ‘Select by Polygon’ tool.
6. Before continuing to the ‘NHD Edit’ tool, the ‘Stream Velocity (m/s)’ tool is set to 0.5 by default. If you wish to add flow velocity to your selected feature(s) from step 3, you must provide it here. Next, click on the ‘NHD Edit’ tool to begin the tool editing process.
7. The ‘NHD Edit’ tool completes the editing process and rebuilds the network dataset. Finally, the tool shows the changed parameters.
8. The ‘Reverse Flow Direction’ tool changes the flow direction of your selected feature. When you visually identify a wrongful flow direction in any one or more of your stream features, simply select the feature(s) and click the ‘Reverse Flow Direction’ tool to change the direction of the flow.
9. The ‘Reverse Flow Direction’ tool changes the flow direction and rebuilds the network dataset.
This concludes the Liquids HCA Tool Add-In help information. For more information, please see the Liquids HCA Get Started.