Register License

After you receive your license token, you must register the software using the Register License tool. The software will be available for use after you register it using the provided license token.

The Register License tool registers your software license with G2-IS using the license token emailed to you by the G2-IS license administrator.

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro and navigate to the Geoprocessing/Toolboxes/Liquids HCA Tools.

Here you will see the toolboxes for the Liquids HCA Tool.

Select Liquids HCA Tools. Then, select the License toolset. Finally, navigate to and select the Register License tool.

2. Double‑click on the Register License tool to open the tool and view its input parameter fields. Fill out the information requested by the tool and select ‘Run’ to register your tool.

3. Once you have successfully registered your Liquids HCA Tool, the rest of the tools will now be visible. If you are still having issues seeing your Liquids HCA Tool, try restarting ArcGIS Pro.

If further assistance is needed visit G2-IS support.

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