Time Aware Class Location Calculation


Time Aware Class Location Calculation calculates ‘time aware’ Class Location ranges by dynamically segmenting the output of the Class Location Calculation tool with Class Location ranges from a prior analysis, with the output time aware Class Location range features segmented by determination date. The time aware Class Location range features also store original Class Location and previous Class Location values, which can be useful in support of Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) determinations per 49 CFR §192.611 – Change in Class Location: Confirmation or Revision of Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure.


Inputs to Time Aware Class Location Calculation include your clustered and unclustered Class Location units from the current Class Location analysis performed using the Class Location Calculation tool and stored in the input Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase. The tool also allows you to specify clustered and unclustered inputs for both original and prior Class Location determinations. Note that the inputs for original and previous clustered and unclustered Class Location data are optional. The tool uses the inputs you provide to generate outputs as appropriate.

  • Input Current Clustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the clustered Class Location features created by a current Class Location analysis using the Class Location Calculation tool. Unless otherwise specified, the tool defaults this parameter to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Input Current Unclustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the clustered Class Location features created by a current Class Location analysis using the Class Location Calculation tool. Unless otherwise specified, the tool defaults this parameter to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.

1. Original Clustered Class Location Inputs

  • Input Original Clustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the original clustered Class Location units for the pipelines in your system. Original Class Location units are calculated at the time a pipeline enters service and should be treated as ‘for the life of the pipe’ records for the pipeline. The tool assumes that your original clustered Class Location units are the result of previous Class Location analyses performed using the Class Location Calculation tool, or an equivalent tool. There is no default value for this parameter. You may use any features or records that conform to the minimum data requirements of the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED feature class in the standard Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase schema. You may use existing clustered Class Location range features or records from your pipeline database. Your input original clustered Class Location range features/records must contain the following attribution for the tool to run:
      • Original Clustered Class Location Centerline Identifier Field – A field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each original clustered Class Location range feature/record occurs. This field will be mapped to and compared with ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID field in the centerline features stored in the Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase (in the CENTERLINE feature class, by default). When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Original Clustered Class Location Begin Measure Field – A field that defines the begin measure values of your original clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Original Clustered Class Location End Measure Field – A field that defines the end measure values of your original clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the END_MEASURE field.
      • Original Clustered Class Location Field – A field that defines the Class Location values of your original clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DOT_CLASS field.
      • Original Clustered Class Location Determination Date Field – A field that stores the determination date of your original clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DETERMINATION_DATE field.

2. Previous Clustered Class Location Inputs

  • Input Previous Clustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the clustered Class Location range features created by a previous Class Location analysis performed using the Class Location Calculation tool, or an equivalent tool. There is no default value for this parameter. You may use the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED feature class from a Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase created for a prior Class Location analysis, or you may use existing clustered Class Location range features or records from your pipeline database. Your input previous clustered Class Location range features/records must contain the following attribution for the tool to run:
      • Previous Clustered Class Location Centerline Identifier Field – A field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each previous clustered Class Location range feature/record occurs. This field will be mapped to and compared with the ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID field in the centerline features stored in the Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase (in the CENTERLINE feature class, by default). When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Clustered Class Location Begin Measure Field – A field that defines the begin measure values of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Clustered Class Location End Measure Field – A field that defines the end measure values of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the END_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Clustered Class Location Field – A field that defines the Class Location values of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DOT_CLASS field.
      • Previous Clustered Class Location Determination Date Field – A field that stores the determination date of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DETERMINATION_DATE field.

3. Original Unclustered Class Location Inputs

  • Input Original Unclustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the original unclustered Class Location units for the pipelines in your system. Original Class Location units are calculated at the time a pipeline enters service and should be treated as ‘for the life of the pipe’ records for the pipeline. The tool assumes that your original unclustered Class Location units are the result of previous Class Location analyses performed using the Class Location Calculation tool, or an equivalent tool. There is no default value for this parameter. You may use any features or records that conform to the minimum data requirements of the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED feature class in the standard Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase schema. You may use existing unclustered Class Location range features or records from your pipeline database. Your input original unclustered Class Location range features/records must contain the following attribution for the tool to run:
      • Original Unclustered Class Location Centerline Identifier Field – A field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each original unclustered Class Location range feature/record occurs. This field will be mapped to and compared with ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID field in the centerline features stored in the Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase (in the CENTERLINE feature class, by default). When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Original Unclustered Class Location Begin Measure Field – A field that defines the begin measure values of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Original Unclustered Class Location End Measure Field – A field that defines the end measure values of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the END_MEASURE field.
      • Original Unclustered Class Location Field – A field that defines the Class Location values of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DOT_CLASS field.
      • Original Unclustered Class Location Determination Date Field – A field that stores the determination date of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DETERMINATION_DATE field.

4. Previous Unclustered Class Location Inputs

  • Input Previous Unclustered Class Location Features – This tool uses as input the unclustered Class Location range features created by a previous Class Location analysis performed using the Class Location Calculation tool, or an equivalent tool. There is no default value for this parameter. You may use the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED feature class from a Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase created for a prior Class Location analysis, or you may use existing unclustered Class Location range features or records from your pipeline database. Your input previous unclustered Class Location range features/records must contain the following attribution for the tool to run:
      • Previous Unclustered Class Location Centerline Identifier Field – A field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each previous unclustered Class Location range feature/record occurs. This field will be mapped to and compared with ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID field in the centerline features stored in the Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase (in the CENTERLINE feature class, by default). When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Unclustered Class Location Begin Measure Field – A field that defines the begin measure values of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the BEGIN_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Unclustered Class Location End Measure Field – A field that defines the end measure values of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the END_MEASURE field.
      • Previous Unclustered Class Location Field – A field that defines the Class Location values of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DOT_CLASS field.
      • Previous Unclustered Class Location Determination Date Field – A field that stores the determination date of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records. When using a data source that conforms to the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED schema, this parameter defaults to the DETERMINATION_DATE field.

5. Outputs

  • Output Time Aware Clustered Class Location Features – This parameter defines the destination of the output time aware clustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the output time aware clustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED_TAfeature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Output Time Aware Unclustered Class Location Features – This parameter defines the destination of the output time aware unclustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the output time aware unclustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED_TA feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Output Original Clustered Class Location Range Features – This parameter defines the output destination for your copied original clustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the original clustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED_ORIG feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Output Original Unclustered Class Location Range Features – This parameter defines the output destination for your copied original unclustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the original unclustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED_ORIG feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Output Previous Clustered Class Location Range Features – This parameter defines the output destination for your copied previous clustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the previous clustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED_H feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.
  • Output Previous Unclustered Class Location Range Features – This parameter defines the output destination for your copied previous unclustered Class Location range features. Unless otherwise specified, the default destination for the previous unclustered Class Location range features is the DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED_H feature class in your selected Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase.


GenerateDOTClassTimeAware_hcapy (project_database, {current_clustered_dot_class_layer}, {current_unclustered_dot_class_layer}, {original_clustered_dotclass_layer}, {original_clustered_dotclass_route_id}, {original_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure}, {original_clustered_dotclass_end_measure}, {original_clustered_dotclass_class}, {original_clustered_dotclass_determination_date}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_layer}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_route_id}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_end_measure}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_class}, {previous_clustered_dotclass_determination_date}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_layer}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_route_id}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_class}, {original_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_layer}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_route_id}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_class}, {previous_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date}, {clustered_ta_layer_out}, {unclustered_ta_layer_out}, {clustered_dot_class_original_layer_out}, {unclustered_dot_class_original_layer_out}}, {clustered_dot_class_history_layer_out}, {unclustered_dot_class_history_layer_out})

Parameter Explanation Data Type

Dialog Reference

Select a Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase created using the Initialize Database tool. The output from this tool is stored in this workspace, by default.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify your input current clustered Class Location features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify your input current unclustered Class Location features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify your input original clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each original clustered Class Location range feature/record occurs.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the begin measure values of your original clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the end measure values of your original clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the Class Location values of your original clustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that stores the determination date of your original clustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify your input previous clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each previous clustered Class Location range feature/record occurs.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the begin measure values of your previous clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the end measure values of your previous clustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the Class Location values of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that stores the determination date of your previous clustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify your input original unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each original unclustered Class Location range feature/record occurs.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the begin measure values of your original unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the end measure values of your original unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the Class Location values of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that stores the determination date of your original unclustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify your input previous unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the field that uniquely identifies the centerline feature on which each previous unclustered Class Location range feature/record occurs.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the begin measure values of your previous unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the end measure values of your previous unclustered Class Location features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that defines the Class Location values of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the field that stores the determination date of your previous unclustered Class Location range features/records.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your output time aware clustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your output time aware unclustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your copied output original clustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your copied output original unclustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your copied output previous clustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View



Dialog Reference

Specify the destination for your copied output previous unclustered Class Location range features.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View


Code sample

Time Aware Class Location Calculation
# Import GasHCA Library
import hcapy
# import Gas HCA Tools
arcpy.ImportToolbox(“C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.6\Lib\site-packages\hcapy\esri\Toolboxes\Gas HCA Tools.pyt”)
project_database = r”C:\projects\GasHCA_Enhancements\A_DOTCLass_Test5.gdb”
original_clustered_dotclass_layer = r”C:\projects\GasHCA_Enhancements\A_DOTCLass_Test4_2.gdb\DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED_ORIG”
original_clustered_dotclass_route_id = “ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID”
original_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure = “BEGIN_MEASURE”
original_clustered_dotclass_end_measure = “END_MEASURE”
original_clustered_dotclass_class = “ORIGINAL_CLASS_TYPE”
original_clustered_dotclass_determination_date = “ORIGINAL_CLASS_DETERMINATION_DATE”
previous_clustered_dotclass_layer = r”C:\projects\GasHCA_Enhancements\A_DOTCLass_Test4_2.gdb\DOT_CLASS_RANGE_CLUSTERED_H”
previous_clustered_dotclass_route_id = “ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID”
previous_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure = “BEGIN_MEASURE”
previous_clustered_dotclass_end_measure = “END_MEASURE”
previous_clustered_dotclass_class = “PREVIOUS_CLASS_TYPE”
previous_clustered_dotclass_determination_date = “PREVIOUS_CLASS_DETERMINATION_DATE”
original_unclustered_dotclass_layer = r”C:\projects\GasHCA_Enhancements\A_DOTCLass_Test4_2.gdb\DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED_ORIG”
original_unclustered_dotclass_route_id = “ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID”
original_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure = “BEGIN_MEASURE”
original_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure = “END_MEASURE”
original_unclustered_dotclass_class = “ORIGINAL_CLASS_TYPE”
original_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date = “ORIGINAL_CLASS_DETERMINATION_DATE”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_layer = “C:\projects\GasHCA_Enhancements\A_DOTCLass_Test4_2.gdb\DOT_CLASS_RANGE_UNCLUSTERED_H”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_route_id = “ORIGINAL_ROUTE_ID”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure = “BEGIN_MEASURE”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure = “END_MEASURE”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_class = “PREVIOUS_CLASS_TYPE”
previous_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date = “PREVIOUS_CLASS_DETERMINATION_DATE”
# Execute tool
arcpy.GenerateDOTClassTimeAware_hcapy(project_database, original_clustered_dotclass_layer, original_clustered_dotclass_route_id, original_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure, original_clustered_dotclass_end_measure, original_clustered_dotclass_class, original_clustered_dotclass_determination_date,previous_clustered_dotclass_layer, previous_clustered_dotclass_route_id, previous_clustered_dotclass_begin_measure, previous_clustered_dotclass_end_measure, previous_clustered_dotclass_class, previous_clustered_dotclass_determination_date, original_unclustered_dotclass_layer, original_unclustered_dotclass_route_id, original_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure, original_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure, original_unclustered_dotclass_class, original_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date, previous_unclustered_dotclass_layer, previous_unclustered_dotclass_route_id, previous_unclustered_dotclass_begin_measure, previous_unclustered_dotclass_end_measure, previous_unclustered_dotclass_class, previous_unclustered_dotclass_determination_date)


Current Workspace, Scratch Workspace, Default Output Z Value, M Resolution, M Tolerance, Output M Domain, Output XY Domain, Output Z Domain, Output Coordinate System, Extent, Geographic Transformations, Output has M values, Output has Z values, XY Resolution, XY Tolerance, Z Resolution, Z Tolerance

Licensing information

This tool requires a valid Gas HCA Tool user license or subscription. Please see the Request License and Register License tool help topics for details on obtaining and registering a Gas HCA Tool software license.

Related topics


Class Location, clustered, unclustered, original class, current class.


Copyright © 2016-2020 by G2 Integrated Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Use limitations

There are no access and use limitations for this item.

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