An overview of the Process toolset

The Process toolset contains the tools that actually perform Class Location and HCA-MCA analysis, using the conditioned data generated by the tools in the Prepare toolset.

Tool Description
Class Location Calculation Determines Class Location ranges on your centerlines per 49 CFR §192.5.
HCA Calculation (Method 1) Determines HCA ranges by method 1 (per 49 CFR §192.903(1)) using Class Location data generated by the Class Location Calculation tool.
HCA Calculation (Method 1 – External Class Location Data) Determines HCA ranges by method 1 (per 49 CFR §192.903(1)) using Class Location data imported into your Gas HCA Tool project geodatabase from an external source (e.g., from your pipeline database).
HCA-MCA Calculation (Method 2) Determines HCA and MCA ranges by method 2 (the PIR method, per 49 CFR §192.903(1)).
Time Aware Class Location Calculation Calculates ‘time aware’ Class Location ranges by dynamically segmenting the output of the Class Location Calculation tool with Class Location ranges from a prior analysis, with the output time aware Class Location range features segmented by determination date.
Time Aware HCA-MCA Calculation (Method 2) Calculates ‘time aware’ HCA-MCA ranges by dynamically segmenting the output of the HCA-MCA calculation tools with HCA-MCA ranges from a prior analysis, with the output time aware HCA-MCA range features segmented by determination date.