EN Engineering Presents “Key Elements for a Successful Main Replacement”


APRIL 17, 2015

EN Engineering Presents “Key Elements for a Successful Main Replacement”

Les Goodman, Vice President, Business Development at EN Engineering, and Tracy Townsend, Vice President – Construction, Compliance and Safety, at Washington Gas presented “The Key Elements for a Successful Main Replacement Program” to the Society of Gas Operators (SOGO) on Thursday, April 16, at the Yale Club in New York City. Goodman and Townsend discussed the leading practices developed and utilized by several recognized LDCs engaged in proactive replacement programs.

Along with discussing the methods used to identify conditions and threats, Goodman explained how to rank and prioritize replacement pipe segments, develop a program timeline, foster jurisdictional collaboration, simplify design and construction methods and procedures, utilize work management systems, identify program resources, create communication plans, and decide on an organization and governance structure. “These are all important considerations when embarking on a pipe replacement program,” he stated.

Townsend discussed Washington Gas’ experience implementing these key elements and progress achieved to date in the company’s accelerated pipe replacement programs in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

EN Engineering’s team of professional engineers and consultants offers an extensive portfolio of gas engineering services to address an entire main replacement program or individual components. “We have extensive operational experience working with gas distribution and transmission networks, and a successful track record helping utilities across the country modernize their gas delivery systems while achieving operational objectives,” stated Goodman.

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