The Association for Materials Protection and Performance is pleased to announce that David Schramm, vice president—senior consultant with EN Engineering, LLC, is the recipient of the 2021 NACE R.A. Brannon Award. This is the signature award for NACE and recognizes outstanding contributions and promotion of NACE objectives.
“The Association Awards are an opportunity to celebrate those individuals who have made significant contributions to our industry, whether it be in corrosion science, engineering, education, or extraordinary service to the association,” said Tim Bieri, Chair of AMPP. “It is an honor to recognize the extraordinary efforts and achievements of our members like David Schramm, who have done so much to advance the association and the industry.”
Schramm values the opportunities he has had to make a difference in his chosen field through the support of NACE. As a member for more than forty years, he has contributed to NACE International as a member, technical contributor, leader, and advocate. His volunteer leadership has provided significant support to the association’s professional development, public policy, and outreach activities.
His efforts to advance the association also include participation on various technical and administrative committees, his focused actions for the association’s education, training, and certification programs, and his service on the NACE International Board and the Inauguration Board of the NACE International Institute.
“I am deeply honored to be recognized and receive this award from AMPP and NACE International,” Schramm said. “To the many past recipients of this award, many of whom I have had the direct privilege of working with, whose spirit, strengths, expertise, and mentorship surely have guided me along the way – I am truly and deeply appreciative. To all the wonderful and talented NACE staff members, association leaders, and general NACE members, who have been part of my journey over the last 40 years, I cannot thank you enough for your enthusiasm, time, talent, help, and friendship along the way.”
As part of the original cathodic protection task group, he has also helped provide leadership, support, and guidance to the initial development of the association’s education and certification programs related to cathodic protection and interference.
Steve Knowles, CEO of EN Engineering, said, “I’d like to extend the warmest congratulations to David Schramm for being selected to receive the 2021 Russell A. Brannon Award from NACE International. This is a significant and well-deserved recognition for the effort, dedication, and time you have put in as a member of NACE.”